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Date: 2012 (1), 2013 (3), 2014 (12), 2015 (1), 2016 (1), 2017 (6), 2018 (3)

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Sermons (27)

The Life of Christ Aint for Sissies, But Its Not for Tough Guys Either
Matthew 16:21-28 (Part of the Pentecost Season series).
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on August 31, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
The Keys of Christs Kingdom Are Certainly to be Used with Certainty
Matthew 16:13-20 (Part of the Pentecost Season series).
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on August 24, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
Christ's Command Creates Courage - COME
Matthew 14:22-33 (Part of the Pentecost Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on August 10, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
A Jesus Way of Looking at Things – Toward Heaven with Thanksgiving
Matthew 14:13-21 (Part of the Sermon Audio series).
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on August 3, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
The Harvest Is in Christ's Hands
Matthew 13:24-30 (Part of the Pentecost Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on July 20, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
The Word Battles the Elements in Our Lives
Matthew 13:1-9 (Part of the Sermon Audio series).
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Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on July 13, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
Rest in Jesus
Matthew 11:25-30 (Part of the Pentecost Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on July 6, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
God Leads Us to See the Light
Matthew 2:1-12 (Part of the Epiphany Season series).
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Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on January 12, 2014 (Sunday Morning).
A Miracle Hidden in Plain Sight
Matthew 1:18-25 (Part of the Advent Sunday series).
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Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on December 15, 2013 (Sunday Morning).
Christ’s Kingdom is an Event which Creates a Reaction
Matthew 3:1-12 (Part of the Advent Sunday series).
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Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on December 8, 2013 (Sunday Morning).
The Coming of Christ Evokes Humble Hosannas
Matthew 21:1-11 (Part of the Advent Sunday series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on December 1, 2013 (Sunday Morning).
Matthew 6:9-13 (Part of the The Cross and the Catechism (Midweek Passion) series).
Preached by Michael Eichstadt on February 29, 2012 (Midweek Meeting).
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