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Active filter: Book: Romans (x) , Date
Series:  (3), Sermon Audio (1), Resurrection Season (1), Passion Season (2).
Service: Sunday Morning (6), Midweek Meeting (1).
Date: 2015 (3), 2016 (1), 2017 (2), 2018 (1)

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Sermons (7)

Jesus Christ Is The Savior Of The World
Romans 10:11-18 (Part of the series).
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Preached by Terrel Kesterson on January 7, 2018 (Sunday Morning).
Rejoice In What God Does For Us Through Jesus!
Romans 5:6-11 (Part of the series).
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Preached by Terrel Kesterson on August 20, 2017 (Sunday Morning).
The Holy Spirit Gives Us A New Life In Christ!
Romans 8:1-11 (Part of the series).
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Preached by Terrel Kesterson on June 18, 2017 (Sunday Morning).
God Likes to Keep Salvation Simple
Romans 10:8-13 (Part of the Passion Season series).
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Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on February 14, 2016 (Sunday Morning).
God’s Best for Louise and for You (LOUISE COUTRE's Victory Service Address)
Romans 8:28-30 (Part of the Sermon Audio series).
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Preached by David Pfeiffer on July 7, 2015 (Midweek Meeting).
In Christ We Are Super-Conquerors
Romans 8:31-39 (Part of the Resurrection Season series).
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Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on May 10, 2015 (Sunday Morning).
Access to a Hope that Does Not Disappoint
Romans 5:1-11 (Part of the Passion Season series).
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Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on March 1, 2015 (Sunday Morning).
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