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Sermons (361)

Ministry Means Service
Mark 10:35-45 (Part of the Passion Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on March 25, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
THE CROSS AND THE CATECHISM - The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
Romans 6:4 (Part of the The Cross and the Catechism (Midweek Passion) series).
Preached by Neal Radichel on March 21, 2012 (Midweek Meeting).
1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (Part of the The Cross and the Catechism (Midweek Passion) series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Paul Krause on March 14, 2012 (Midweek Meeting).
A Temple Raised Up
John 2:13-22 (Part of the Passion Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on March 11, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
THE CROSS AND THE CATECHISM - The Office and Use of the Keys
John 20:19-23 (Part of the The Cross and the Catechism (Midweek Passion) series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Mark Bernthal on March 7, 2012 (Midweek Meeting).
Cross Bearers – Satan Behind, Focus Beyond
Mark 8:27-38 (Part of the Passion Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on March 4, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
Matthew 6:9-13 (Part of the The Cross and the Catechism (Midweek Passion) series).
Preached by Michael Eichstadt on February 29, 2012 (Midweek Meeting).
Jesus Qualifies to Be Our Savior
Mark 1:9-15 (Part of the Passion Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on February 26, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:1-7 (Part of the The Cross and the Catechism (Midweek Passion) series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on February 22, 2012 (Midweek Meeting).
The Transfiguration – Worth Reflection
2 Corinthians 3:12-18 (Part of the Epiphany Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on February 19, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
All Things to the Glory of God
1 Corinthians 10:19-31 (Part of the Epiphany Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on February 12, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
Seeing the Finish Line
1 Corinthians 9:16-27 (Part of the Epiphany Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on February 5, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
Knowledge Puffs Up, Love Builds Up
1 Corinthians 8:1-13 (Part of the Epiphany Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on January 29, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
A Christian's Call Is to Continue in His Calling
1 Corinthians 7:17-24 (Part of the Epiphany Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on January 22, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
You Are God's Own
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 (Part of the Epiphany Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on January 15, 2012 (Sunday Morning).
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