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Sermons (325)

The Kingdom of God Comes First
Matthew 6:24-34 (Part of the Trinity Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on October 2, 2011 (Sunday Morning).
Footsteps of Faith Find Our Savior
Luke 17:11-19 (Part of the Trinity Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on September 25, 2011 (Sunday Morning).
Breaking Down the Barriers of Rationalization
Luke 10:23-37 (Part of the Trinity Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on September 18, 2011 (Sunday Morning).
Jesus Restores Clear Hearing and True Speech
Mark 7:31-37 (Part of the Trinity Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on September 11, 2011 (Sunday Morning).
You Look Down
Luke 18:9-14 (Part of the Trinity Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on September 4, 2011 (Sunday Morning).
The Lord Has Visited His Temple
Luke 19:41-48 (Part of the Trinity Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on August 28, 2011 (Sunday Morning).
Our Song is New Yet It Never Changes
Psalm 98:1-4 (Part of the Resurrection Season series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by David L.W. Pfeiffer on Unknown Date (Sunday Morning).
Suffering For Jesus Who Suffered For Us
(Part of the series).
Adobe Acrobat
Preached by Terrel Kesterson on Unknown Date (Sunday Morning).
Suffering For Jesus Who Suffered For Us
(Part of the series).
Preached by Terrel Kesterson on Unknown Date (Sunday Morning).
Suffering For Christ Who Suffered For Us
(Part of the series).
Preached by Terrel Kesterson on Unknown Date (Sunday Morning).
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