God Is Our Refuge And Strength (Psalm 46:1-11)

Terrel Kesterson, October 29, 2017
Part of the series, preached at a Midweek Meeting service

The church of Martin Luther’s day taught that we’re saved by faith in Jesus and our good works.
Luther tried as hard as he could to be good, even to the point of becoming a monk and going way
above and beyond the good deeds that were required of the monks. But no matter how hard he
tried, Luther could never be sure that he had done enough good things to make up for all of his
sins and deserve to go to heaven. He was scared to death that God was going to punish him
forever in hell. As he kept studying God’s Word he came upon Romans 1:17: “The
righteousness of God is revealed in it” (the Gospel), “as it is written, the righteous shall live by
faith.” God led Luther to see that we’re not saved by anything we do, but by faith alone in Jesus
and what He did to save us.


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